Our Patients Speak About Their Refractive Surgery Experience at Kellogg

Steve, 59, Owosso

"As I started to prepare for retirement, LASIK was near the top of my “bucket list.” I wanted to make sure to get it done and paid for before I left the University.

I chose Kellogg for my LASIK procedure because, after having other successful surgeries at the U-M Health System, I had faith that everything would go well.

In February 2014, Dr. Shahzad Mian performed LASIK on both of my eyes. I had surgery on a Thursday, had 20/20 vision the next day, and was back to work the following Monday. I always felt like my glasses and contact lenses couldn’t quite give me the vision I wanted, but LASIK has done that for me. The results have been wonderful!

I had a trip in April, not too long after my surgery, and it was so nice not having to pack all my eye care supplies in my overnight bag.

I’ve been so pleased with the entire process at Kellogg. So, if you’re interested in LASIK, my advice is to take that first important step and call Kellogg to schedule a screening. Then, if you’re a candidate, just do it!"

Yamaan, Resident Physician, Ann Arbor


Trudy, 25, Dexter

"My fiance has the University as a client so we came to Kellogg for LASIK because we knew it was very reputable. Unlike many people, it didn't take me long to decide to have LASIK. My fiance and I talked about it and then I received it as a Christmas present.

My screening appointment was wonderful! All the testing and all the print-outs explaining the outcome of the testing made me feel so much more comfortable about my decision to have LASIK.

On the day of my surgery, I was very nervous but the doctors and the technicians were great. They spoke with me, calmed me down and kept me level-headed. To be honest, the surgery was extremely uncomfortable and I had a bit of a rough recovery period but it was all worth it because now my vision is perfect. I can see farther now and I finally was able to shed the glasses I had been wearing since the 5th grade. I also am really happy I won't be developing any more wrinkles from putting my contact lenses in everyday!

The care I received at Kellogg was great – from the screening right on through all the follow-up appointments. Everything they do is for the benefit of the patient and I would recommend Kellogg for LASIK any day."

Gretchen, 58, Ann Arbor

"I chose Kellogg for my LASIK procedure because I trusted the University of Michigan. I wanted a reputable place like Kellogg – a place where doctors have had plenty of experience with LASIK. You only get one set of eyes and I didn't want to take any chances with mine.

The doctors and technicians at Kellogg communicate so well and they give you the whole story. When I was making my decision, I felt I could always call with more questions without feeling pressured into surgery.

Since my procedure, life has been more convenient for me. For example, I don't have to look for my glasses anymore. I no longer worry about losing my expensive prescription glasses and now I finally can buy all the coolest sunglasses."

Faye, 45, West Bloomfield

"Why did I choose the Kellogg Eye Center? I heard from people who didn’t go to Kellogg who wished they had chosen Kellogg.

The results of my surgery are nothing short of phenomenal. Everything is better, clearer and sharper, and I feel like I am seeing things for the first time. I went into this surgery with reasonable expectations. I thought things probably would be better but they wouldn’t be perfect. Since the surgery, I have been blown away by the results.

There’s no question in my mind that I was treated by the cream of the crop! After the surgery, I had peace of mind knowing I was treated by the best.

I live in West Bloomfield and, around here, people don’t really think about having surgery at U-M. I tell them they should because all the physicians are wonderful."

Bobby, 21, Ann Arbor

"I was impressed with the research done at Kellogg and with all the good things I had heard about the Kellogg Eye Center.

I am thrilled with the results! I am in the performing arts and it was wonderful and convenient to have the surgery done so early in my life. This way, I can better enjoy my time in the arts.

I would very much recommend Kellogg. The physicians and staff went above and beyond to insure I was comfortable. They talked me through every step of the procedure and made me feel very much at home."

Jeanne, 37, Ortonville

"I knew the University of Michigan Kellogg Eye Center had a great reputation so I didn't even bother looking anywhere else! Trust was important to me and I trusted Kellogg.

Kellogg was very thorough and very friendly and having the same surgeon all the way through was really critical.

I am thrilled beyond belief with the results, especially after 26 years of wearing glasses. Now, I can go swimming, go to the water park and lie in bed and watch TV – I can even see the sports scores scrolling at the bottom of the screen on ESPN.

I talk up Kellogg to everyone I see!"

Matthew, 25, Rochester Hills

"My brother had surgery at Kellogg and was very pleased. So when I developed ulcers in my eyes from too much contact lens use, I also came to Kellogg. I had never been a candidate for any kind of LASIK surgery but, during my appointment, I learned about phakic intraocular lenses. When I found out I no longer could wear my contacts, it took only a short time for me to move forward with the phakic intraocular lenses procedure.

Since the procedure, the big difference has been in my night vision. I can see so clearly after years of stumbling around. It's also wonderful to wake up and see in the morning.

My whole experience at Kellogg was great and I would highly recommend Kellogg to anyone thinking about this procedure. I was well informed throughout the entire process and the surgeons and technicians made everything so convenient. They worked around my schedule and never kept me waiting."